If you're not going to listen, we don't need to be talking.
When you hire someone like me, I'm not just your social media manager. I don't just edit videos, create graphics, put together podcasts, and write copy. I am basically a whole marketing department in one.
My brain, thanks to my adhd, works differently than others and if I see an opportunity for something to make money, I will tell you.
I used to feel bad about it.
I used to call myself mercenary because I could see how just about any situation could make a person money.
I don't feel bad about it anymore.
If I tell you and can see how, with the proper execution, something could make you thousands of dollars, why would you NOT listen?
Businesses ALWAYS leave money on the table.
That's where people like me come in, abstractly look around, and thanks to our ADHD superpowers, can show you where that money is.
It's up to you to do something with it.
As Yoda said, Do or Do Not. There is no Try.