February 26, 2024

Everyone wants to be on social media, nobody really knows why.
Here are some reasons:
πŸ₯‡Top of mind awa
First thought. πŸ€”
🧠 Mindshare.

These terms are bandied about and are synonymous with staying in front of your core audience i.e. IN YOUR FACE, all day, every day. But why do you want to do this?

Obviously, the more you can stay in front of your core audience, the better. When they think of the types of products or services you offer, you want to be first. FOMO is real, and it's kicking you in the ass.

Before you decide you need to hire a social media manager or that you need to be on social media, what you really need is to talk with a social media strategist to figure out what your end game is. What is your goal?

The true potential of social media lies in having a well-thought-out strategy. That includes these key elements:

πŸ”‘ Understanding Your Audience: Know who you're talking to. What are their pain points? What are their interests?
πŸ”‘ Defining Objectives: Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or improve customer service? Your objectives will guide your content and your metrics.
πŸ”‘ Content Planning: Consistency is key. Consistency is key. A well-planned content strategy can save you from the perils of aimless posting. Hint: :::consistency is key:::
πŸ”‘ Measure and Adjust
: Regularly review your metrics to gauge what's working and what's not. Be prepared to pivot your strategy as needed and don't be surprised if content that has always worked suddenly starts going down the porcelain express. Algorithms change. You have to, too.

I have said it before and I will say it again: social media is a PART of your overall marketing strategy; it is NOT your marketing strategy. Social media is about making connections and building a community. You want raving fans, brand ambassadors and enthusiasts who speak about you and your brand in glowing terms. It's your opportunity to reach out and connect with your customers - whoever they may be.

And here's another kicker - the ROI is NOT always quantifiable. Anyone who promises you that is selling you a load of hot turds. Your brand could suck. You could suck. That's a lot to overcome for a social media manager but the good ones, and yes, we're out there, will polish that turd and make it shiny and new. We'll help build you up when you've tried to go scorched earth on the internet. (Please, don't do this. You don't pay your social media manager enough to handle that level of vitriol if you do.)

So before you decide you want to BE on social media, think about WHY you want to be on social media. What's the end goal?

Social media is a marathon, not a sprint.

✌️ Deuces,

We Do Social

So You Don't Have to

Marketing Strategies for Busy Commercial and Residential Real Estate Professionals.